SPEAR's FINAL CONFERENCE "The future of (gender) equality, inclusivity and democratic values in European Academia: Practices, prerequisites, pushback and prospectives"

Wednesday, March 1st,  2023,  9.00 - 17.30 CET
Den Blå Hal, Copenhagen

Free registration before February 10th, 2023  here
(for online participation only, you can register until February 27th, 2023)

As we approach the end of the project implementation, we want to celebrate together the efforts and achievements of our partners in fostering and promoting gender equality in research and academia through the development of Gender Equality Plans (GEP).

We invite GE practitioners, researchers, innovation leaders and policymakers to join us for SPEAR'S final conference on Wednesday, March 1st, 2023! We are organising a semi-hybrid event. The physical session is hosted in Copenhagen, Denmark. It is possible to attend the opening and the first session online as it will be web-streamed.

The theme of the conference is: The future of (gender) equality, inclusivity and democratic values in European Academia: Practices, prerequisites, pushback and prospectives’.

Increasingly, GE is understood as part of a broader perspective which must necessarily include and integrate a wider understanding of inclusivity. Furthermore, an expanded concept of equality – GE+ – is a transversal issue in democracy and sustainability.  The conference will highlight the achievements of SPEAR and our sister initiatives and explore their impact on the wider context of gender equality, inclusivity and democracy – and indeed how these topics and actors can mutually enhance and strengthen each other across Europe and beyond.


Check out the Conference programme (it may be subject to small changes) and learn more about the event at gender-spear.eu/final-conference



Registration for the Final Conference is free but mandatory. Reserve your ticket here before February 10th, 2023.

Please note that this is a hybrid event, with only the first session "SPEAR's key impact in the context of the future of (gender) equality, inclusivity and democratic values in European Academia" streamed live for online participants. If you sign up as an online participant, you will not be able to take part in the panels and workshops, nor take part in the interactive dialogues around sister GE-projects.


We also invite all attendees to join us on Tuesday, February 28th 2023, 18:00 - 19:30 CET at the Thorvaldsen's Museum for a pre-conference social networking event. Reserve your free ticket here.