Gender & Diversity sensitization and awareness raising offers for university faculties, institutions and central administration
To support faculties and (central) institutions in taking gender and diversity into account in
their work and in developing and implementing appropriate measures, RWTH Aachen University offers a comprehensive
consulting service.
The service consists of different components ranging from anti-bias (e.g. in personnel selection), gender- and
diversity-sensitive leadership, anti-discrimination, appreciative communication, and - for certain target groups -
empowerment and resilience. For topics that require more in-depth personal support, coaching can also be taken up within
this framework.
The target group spans from academic and administrative staff in university faculties as well as employees of the
university administration or central institutions. University members can obtain a Certificate for Gender and Diversity
Competencies for taking part in gender- and diversity-related training and courses.
The elimination of bias in personnel selection is an important cornerstone and is promoted through expert advice and
offers on equality-oriented, transparent and fair personnel selection procedures with a focus on gender-fair job
advertisements i.e. gender-fair language in job postings.
- Heads of research institutes and central administration, central units
- Target groups include all members of RWTH faculties, central institutions and the central university administration
- Gender & Diversity consultant at the RWTH Rectorate Staff Unit Integration Team – Human Resources, Gender and Diversity Management (IGaD)
- Vice Rectorate for Human Resources Management and Development
What would you do the same/differently another time?
What have you learnt? Do you see relevance for this in other contexts?
The "Certificate for Gender and Diversity Competence" bundles the consulting and workshop offers within Gender and Diversity sensitization and awareness-raising for faculties, institutions and the central university administration. It enables all university employees to become aware of gender and diversity aspects related to their work environment and to act as multipliers for gender and diversity at the university.
Nevertheless, there is still a need to further promote gender and diversity knowledge within the
university. On the one hand, the value and attractiveness of the "Certificate for Gender and Diversity Competence" could
be further strengthened by increasing regular workshop and competency-building offers. On the other hand, the number of
individual, needs-oriented consultations and sensitization should be increased in order to proactively counteract