- An important part of the meeting was devoted to the discussion of administrative, legal and ethics issues within SPEAR under the moderation of Ms. Liv Baisner, SPEAR’s Administrative Coordinator, Mr. Lars Engelstoft, SDU’s Lawyer and Ms. Kirsten Kyvik, the Ethics Advisor.
- The rest of the official meeting was comprised of the presentations by Work Package leaders on GEP implementation (Uppsala University, Sweden), supporting GEP implementation through Communities of Learning and Communities of Practice (RWTH Aachen University, Germany), mainstreaming and sustainability (SDU), communication and dissemination (Europa Media, Hungary) and project self-assessment and internal evaluation (Joanneum Research, Austria).
- The implementing partners from South-West University Neofit Rilski (Bulgaria), Plovdiv University (Bulgaria), Vilnius University (Lithuania), Vytautas Magnus University (Lithuania), University Nova de Lisboa (Portugal) and University of Rijeka (Croatia) contributed to the discussions specifying local needs for successful GEP implementation.
Reflections on the Kick-off meeting of the SPEAR project. Part 2
The kick-off agenda also included an introductory presentation about the project and its structure given by Ms. Myers, followed by the presentations on H2020 regulations for project implementation as well as Policy Perspective on Gender Equality in EU R&I delivered by Ms. Simona Misiti, Project Advisor and Ms. Anne Pépin, Senior Policy Officer respectively. The participants learned about H2020’s approach to the Gender Equality and relevant supported activities aimed at facilitating institutional change through Gender Equality Plans.